Credit scores take a hit after filing for bankruptcy. Most often, you cannot apply for a traditional, unsecured credit card shortly after the bankruptcy proceedings. Not only does your bankruptcy remain on your credit score, but the low score affects the lender's...
Month: February 2022
4 common types of Internet crimes
Internet crime, or cybercrime, is a growing threat that continues to force the law to adapt in this digital age of criminal defense. As more and more aspects of daily life integrate with the online world, it becomes more necessary to guard against online crime. To...
Answering questions about your past on a job application
Having seen more than one job application that asks about whether or not you have a criminal history may cause you to question your ability to find work. It may seem as though an honest answer could immediately disqualify you from the application process. Even though...
Should you trust companies advertising foreclosure assistance?
When you receive word that your home is at risk of foreclosure, you may fear the future. You may wonder what other options you have to save your home. During this unprecedented time, you could receive advertisements or offers from companies claiming to have the...
Estate planning tools that provide benefits during your lifetime
You might believe that the sole objective of estate planning is to benefit your family and other beneficiaries after your death. However, a durable power of attorney for finances together with an advance health care directive will provide benefits for you during your...