There are many laws that people break in Florida. Some of these laws are broken on a daily basis. People commit various driving violations and whether they are caught or not, they have still broken the law. Another common law that is broken is that many people use marijuana without a valid prescription. Some people may just use it in a recreational setting with other people, while others may smoke or use other forms of marijuana on a daily basis.
No matter how often people use it though, if they are caught possessing it, they could be charged with a crime. If people end up being convicted of marijuana possession, they could face serious penalties, but the severity of the penalty depends on the amount that people possess at the time that they are caught.
People possessing less than 20 grams could be charged with a First Degree misdemeanor, which could result in up to a year in jail and a fine. If people possess 20 grams to 25 pounds or have up to 300 marijuana plants, they could be sentenced to jail for a period of up to five years in addition to a fine. If people possess over 25 pounds it is considered trafficking, which is a First Degree felony and has a mandatory minimum jail sentence of three years and a $25,000 fine.
These are just potential penalties though because people are not automatically guilty when they are charged with a crime. People are presumed innocent and there may be defenses available to people charged with marijuana possession. Many of these defenses start with the initial search of the person. If the search was illegal, evidence could be thrown out and convictions become very unlikely.
Many people are charged with marijuana possession each year in Florida. If people are convicted, they could be sent to jail, but there are defenses that may be available depending on the circumstances. Experienced attorneys understand these potential defenses and may be able to guide one through the process.