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Hathaway Sprague Law, P.A.
Experienced And Effective

Kathryn Hathaway is a board-certified consumer bankruptcy attorney with over 30 years of experience. Together with her professional staff, she helps people in Florida’s Panhandle find long term debt relief, develop estate plans that will benefit them and their loved ones, and more.

Photo of the legal team at Hathaway Sprague Law, P.A.
Hathaway Sprague Law, P.A.
Experienced And Effective

Kathryn Hathaway is a board-certified consumer bankruptcy attorney with over 30 years of experience. Together with her professional staff, she helps people in Florida’s Panhandle find long term debt relief, develop estate plans that will benefit them and their loved ones, and more.

Photo of the legal team at Hathaway Sprague Law, P.A.
Hathaway Sprague Law, P.A.
Experienced And Effective

What happens if you need your driver’s license for work after DUI

On Behalf of | Feb 3, 2023 | Criminal Defense |

Losing your driving privileges because of a DUI can cause uncertainty and frustration. Even more concerning is when you rely on your license for your job.

If your career requires you to operate a vehicle, having a DUI could directly compromise your job. Knowing your options can help you identify your next steps.

Petition for employment reinstatement

A DUI that results in severe bodily harm to other motorists and substantial property damage could have immediate and serious repercussions. Along with losing your driving privileges, you might face time behind bars, as well as costly fines. A less serious DUI could still have repercussions, but you may be able to work around them.

One option you might meet the requirements for is an employment reinstatement. According to the Florida Highway Safety and Motor Vehicles Department, to qualify for hardship reinstatement, you must first meet qualifications including the following:

  • Apply for an administrative hearing
  • Have served 30 days without your license
  • Show proof of enrollment in a DUI school

Find alternative solutions

If your petition for a hardship license does not work out, you might be scrambling for another job. Keep in mind, the loss of driving privileges will most likely be temporary and something you can eventually overcome. In the meantime, consider other jobs for which you have the qualifications. This could include administrative work, customer service and food service among others. Some alternatives to driving yourself to work include public transportation or asking family and friends to assist you with rides.

Not having your license because of a DUI is frustrating, but maintaining a realistic perspective can help you maintain your livelihood despite the uncertainty of your situation.

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