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Hathaway Sprague Law, P.A.
Experienced And Effective

Kathryn Hathaway is a board-certified consumer bankruptcy attorney with over 30 years of experience. Together with her professional staff, she helps people in Florida’s Panhandle find long term debt relief, develop estate plans that will benefit them and their loved ones, and more.

Photo of the legal team at Hathaway Sprague Law, P.A.
Hathaway Sprague Law, P.A.
Experienced And Effective

Kathryn Hathaway is a board-certified consumer bankruptcy attorney with over 30 years of experience. Together with her professional staff, she helps people in Florida’s Panhandle find long term debt relief, develop estate plans that will benefit them and their loved ones, and more.

Photo of the legal team at Hathaway Sprague Law, P.A.
Hathaway Sprague Law, P.A.
Experienced And Effective

How does drugged driving compare to drunk driving?

On Behalf of | Mar 29, 2023 | Criminal Defense |

Drugs alter your ability to think and can have physical effects on your body. Driving while under the influence of any substance, not just alcohol, is illegal.

Drugged driving. is just as bad as drunk driving. However, the two situations can be quite different.

Challenges for law enforcement

While officers have testing devices they can use to combat drunk driving, they have to rely more on their observations to handle drugged driving. It is not possible in the field to do a test to determine if someone is under the influence of a drug. There is no breath test or equivalent.

Instead, officers have to observe a person for signs they are likely under the influence of drugs. They may be able to conduct roadside tests for reflexes, such as they do for drunk driving.

Effects on the body

Since there is a range of different drugs, the impact they have on the body can be quite varied. Alcohol, regardless of the type, is all the same drug, so the effects are generally the same. Drugs have different categories. Some may cause enhanced body functions, while others slow down body functions.

Regardless of the effects, they do impact a person’s ability to function properly when behind the wheel. They will cause issues with reflexes, concentration and other critical skills needed to safely operate a motor vehicle. Although, the effects may differ from what would happen with alcohol use.

Penalties for the offense

The law treats drunk and drugged driving the same. They all result in a charge for driving under the influence. The penalties are the same as well.

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