If you are like one of the hundreds of thousands of Americans who have gotten in over your head with credit card debt and other financial obligations, you may have looked into bankruptcy. While bankruptcy is a great way to get a fresh financial start, you should only...
Month: October 2019
Juveniles and hacking. It is not just harmless fun.
Some kids take to hacking as a challenge to beat the system, or they do it on a dare or just because they think it is fun. Few stop to think about the consequences of changing scholastic scores to get them into a better college or invading the Department of Defense to...
Is loan modification right for you?
If you struggle to make your monthly mortgage payments, you may be at risk of losing your Florida home. Depending on how indebted you are, you may even consider filing for bankruptcy to get a fresh start. Before you take such a definitive action, consider first the...