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Record expungement can help you move forward

On Behalf of | Aug 25, 2020 | Criminal Defense

Those with criminal records in Florida can attest to the fact that it prevents them from completing activities that others may not even consider. For example, depending on the type of record, one might be prohibited from living in a specific location, working a certain job, or enrolling in some colleges. The good news is that some kinds of convictions and criminal records can be expunged or sealed, thus removing these obstacles from their way.

What is expungement?

Expunged means that a person’s legal record has been removed in the eyes of the law and there is a legal process through which it can be completed. It can even be considered as setting aside one’s conviction. The first step is to determine if one’s record can actually be expunged or sealed. It depends on factors such as the state or county of the conviction, its type, criminal history and time elapsed since conviction.

Who qualifies for expungement?

In Florida, some of the qualifications for expungement are possible if the charges for which someone was arrested were dropped, dismissed or the person was acquitted, in addition to never having been convicted of a criminal offense in the state. However, it’s important to know that the record is still accessible to governmental agencies and criminal courts. This is different from records being sealed, as sealed ones can be viewed by employers and private investigators.

Seek necessary guidance

Those who are interested in putting their criminal history behind them should know what their options are and how to achieve them. It might be beneficial to consult an experienced criminal defense attorney for guidance on how to proceed.
